Wednesday 28 March 2012

In Time

Science Fiction, concept dominated, In Time centres on three main characters, who buy time to extend their lives beyond twenty five, at which point they don't age and potentially could be immortal. Justine Timberlake puts in a controlled performance as the lead as does Cillian Murphy as the chief investigator of the suspicious happenings. Both are watchable and next to the rising star of Amanda Seyfield, who will clock up four films in 2012, the cast are a good looking bunch. In fact the whole film strives to score points with visual metaphors the obvious one being the remaining time on their forearms, glowing green numbers, an idea they believe is better than it actually is. Throughout In Time we are pitched against the clock and if the clock runs out they die. Overly simple perhaps but on some level it works and the film carries the viewer along to the end at which point you feel there could have been more substance to an interesting idea.

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