Thursday 5 April 2012

Immortals (15)

Head lining an interesting cast that includes legendary John Hurt and the extravagant Mickey Rourke this film at first glance pulls no punches. The action is singular and impressive as we see Theseus take on King Hyperion with the help of those disobedient gods. Director Tarsem Singh unfortunately opts for style over substance though, the actors struggling to draw out their lines as the minimal, yet dark, sets dominated. Lead actor Henry Cavill doesn't convince. He is known for his support role in the TV series The Tudors and he seems too passive at times, which diminishes his screen presence. Frieda Pinto, notably from Rise of the Planet of the Apes, plays Phaedra and Theseus's love interest, but again has to make do with a staggered script. John Hurt is Zeus's disguise on the mortal plan and turns into the gold shrouded Luke Evans when duty calls, from wise old man to irrational deity. That's part of the problem with The Immortals; the gods seem to be more fallible than ordinary man. This aside the film is dramatically engaging and its strengths outweigh its weaknesses.


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