Sunday 1 July 2012

Man on a Ledge (12A)

Rough convict and ex-policeman Nick Cassidy, played by Sam Worthington (Terminator Salvation) has been done an injustice. He believes he has been setup and held accountable for a diamond theft. So having escaped custody he goes to extreme measures to prove his innocence, finding himself on a ledge overlooking a crowd and a hundred foot drop. Worthington is effective as a gruff, hard done by, cop and yet the intensity of the near death position he places himself in vanishes pretty quickly and at times we forget he's on that so important ledge. But this is a double act as director, relatively inexperienced Asger Leth, has failed to ramp up the tension, no near misses or handing on by finger tips.

It soon becomes a family affair when his tricky brother Joey, the remodelled Jamie Bell, and his girl friend Angie, the stunning Genesis Rodriguez, turn up with a plan and both put in good performances. The lean Bell is working up a promising career and will no doubt be a big star, his onscreen presence total convincing.

Edward Burns puts in a good innings alongside Elizabeth Banks who is playing the Detective requested by the man on the ledge. She has some relevant back story but some of her conviction falls flat, the character seems shallow and her connection with Worthington is lacking magnetism. Yet the film is entertaining especially when we follow the younger brother and the end although predictable has some twists and turns.


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