Friday 22 February 2013

The Amazing Spider Man (2012) (PG)

Usually a remake happens after the memory of the first film has faded but when a storyline is prematurely resurrected it’s potentially going to make heads turn for the wrong reasons. Director Marc Webb’s  2012 version of the Spectacular Spiderman appeared from the shadows and caught everybody unawares and the trainers seemed to strangely promote its similarities to the first. Peter Parker played by Andrew Garfield experiences the spider bite that makes him the cheeky super hero and much of his transformation is similar to what has been previously seen. But the main storyline is very different to the original and the marketing material seems to have problematically overlooked this.

In many ways Garfield’s Peter Parker is weak, his emotional attachments seemed fudged and confused at times, which is compounded by the poor script and the annoying habit that the writers have of making him wordless when he really needs to say something.

The Police Captain Stacy and father of Spiderman’s love interest is excellently played by the gruff Denis Leary. His serious approach is very appropriate given the setting and his sincerity in duty is convincing.

The effects are also impressive and the years between this version and the last has definitely benefited this newer film. But having said that the design of the characters is predictable when this second coming could be the chance to add something different. Loyalty to the original comic is potentially the reason why this was sacrificed?

At the core of this remake is a story which draws on many predecessors and benefits. Classics such as Doctor Jackal and Mister Hyde and then more trashy 80’s and 90’s scientist turned freak motion pictures such as Darkman. This new Spiderman sits between these two the Lizard and the Scientist and the Student and the Mutant and delivers an exciting although at times frustrating blockbuster.

1 comment:

  1. Totally unnecessary re-boot, but it was still very fun and entertaining. Also, Garfield was a nice choice for Peter Parker even if I do miss Tobey Maguire just a tad bit. Just a tad, though. Good review Toby.
